Saturday, 26 February 2011

Happy days

Presents, as Queenie in Blackadder would say, I like presents. Or more accurately, pwesents! And this (long) weekend is jam packed full of them.

It started with my present to myself of a day off spent doing nothing. However, my doing nothing-ness did extend to shopping, when I bought myself these gorgeous cocktail glasses with the remnants of my Christmas money (Thanks Mum!) Now I really can entertain my guests in style with glasses worthy of my awesome jet lag curing cosmopolitans! Not to mention dirty Martinis.

I also have a package sitting waiting to be opened on my almost birthday on Monday and apparently another in the post/mail on its way here.

Then there's my visit home to see the olds on Sunday, which is guaranteed to produce a goodly stash of loot. And my birthday weekend trip to Edinburgh tomorrow/today with cocktails at Harvey Nicks to look forward to.

Plus tonight I've had a great time out with friends at an entirely unserious charity music quiz, with the added bonus of picking up some late Christmas presents too.

All in all, a happy weekend. Thanks guys, you've come up trumps again. What would I do without you?

Posted to The 52 Week Project on Flickr

1 comment:

Just Frances said...

Ooo... pretty glasses. I bet they look even prettier when filled with a dirty vodka martini!!

Hope you're enjoying your extended birthday weekend!!
