Sunday, 27 November 2011


Regular readers may have wondered what happened to me yesterday. No, it wasn't the inescapable lure of my new Smartphone. And it wasn't an almighty hangover from Friday night out with my awesome partner in crime either - although I confess I was a bit on the delicate side after a yummy meal at Hermann's, Stirling's own Scottish-Austrian gourmet eatery followed by cocktails at our favourite hang-out.

No, the reason for my radio silence has been participation in my first ever Thanksgiving dinner. My main contribution, other than eating way too much, was providing a deal of the crockery, cutlery and moral support to Frances. We badged it as a jointly hosted party, but the reality is that she did most of the cooking and my involvement was pretty much limited to turning up, eating and being sociable.

The more observant will realise it's the first time since almost the beginning of October that I've missed a day's blog post. I set myself the challenge at the start of the year to blog more regularly and for a while I was doing ok, and then I hit a slump and got out of the habit. I got back into it when I headed off to Italy in October and I've managed to keep it up since then.

I confess I really enjoy my daily blogging. It helps me sort my thoughts out. I get to indulge my passion for writing and it also allows me to say some stuff that I might not get round to saying face to face. Hopefully you enjoy reading it too - but if not, what are you still doing checking in?!

Just changing tack a bit, the other thing that's missing today, sadly, is my old friend and Frances' much loved husband, Paul. He would have been 50 today but tragically he died well before his time. It was for Paul that we ran the Loch Ness Marathon and he's been in our thoughts all weekend. 

This one's for you, mate. Happy birthday, Paul x

*All photos courtesy of JustFrances. 

And in case you're wondering, the opening photo - well, apparently it's traditional at Thanksgiving to put olives on your fingers. Never one to miss the opportunity to be silly, I thought it would be rude not to participate. When in Rome, after all...

1 comment:

Kittypinkstars said...

Rocking out with those olives! COOL!! Haha you ALWAYS make me smile xxx